Frequently asked questions

Is Cash on Delivery (COD) Available ?

No, Cash On Delivery is Not Available.

Where do you ship from?

We ship from our manufacturing factory or warehouse located in Mumbai, Maharashtra. 

How long will it take for my items to arrive?

It vary from product-to-product; based on demand and shipping location.

Is shipping really FREE?

No, Shipping is charged at nominal fee of ₹80/kg depending on product weight and delivered all over India.

Do you provide refund or return in case i face any issue with the product?

No, We don’t provide refund once the order is placed but we exchange the product if you have received the defective or wrong products within 7 days of delivery.

How long will it take to receive a tracking number?

It will take usually between 7-9 days as all products are made to order so once its dispatched we send you the tracking number.

Who can I contact if I have a problem with my order?

All inquiries can be forwarded to Whatsapp :+91 8512041559

How can I trust this page/website?

We are trusted seller since 2018. We have delivered over 1 million products since we are operations all over India. We have Happy Customers All Over India.If you have any trust issue you can check our happy customer chats on highlights section & we are on google also check reviews.

How to cancel my order?

You have time span of 12 hrs after placing order to cancel the order, after 12 hrs all orders are further processed for manufacturing and no cancellations will be entertained.

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